Top 3 Industries That Benefit From Commercial Cleaning Services

As small business owners ourselves, we at TrueClean understand the importance of professional cleaning for businesses. A cleaner work environment improves productivity and satisfaction among workers. Of course, you also want your company to look its best for clients and customers as well. Whatever your commercial cleaning needs, TrueClean is the cleaning company for you. We offer commercial cleaning services for any industry.

Here are the top 3 industries that may benefit from our cleaning services:

1. Medical Private Practices

While large hospitals often have janitorial staff, smaller private practices benefit from outsourcing their cleaning needs. Having a clean and neat environment reassures your patient that their treatment is going to be top-notch. Our full-service cleaning does not only include actual medical spaces, but also bathrooms, offices, and waiting rooms.

Running a private practice is such a time-consuming job and physicians likely don’t have time to deep clean their office on their own. Patients are the number one priority and doctors should be concerned with providing the highest level of medical care. By hiring a professional cleaning service, private practices have more time to do the important work of taking care of their patients.

2. Restaurants

Even though restaurant owners likely have employees cleaning parts of their business, a lot can fall between the cracks when it comes to cleaning for restaurants. Any overlooked area can make customers feel uneasy, especially if it’s in an area where they eat.

This is where TrueClean can help. Our commercial cleaning company can come after hours to keep your restaurant clean. This allows you to focus on providing the best dining experience for your customers. We go beyond the front of the house cleaning. Our cleaning services also cover bathrooms and areas in the back of the house that don’t often get a deep cleaning.

3. Start-Up Companies

When companies are first getting started, there are so many daily tasks to complete. From gaining new clients to managing existing clients, start-up owners and employees likely don’t have time to dedicate to office cleaning. This can impact company productivity and morale over time and could affect how the company is viewed professionally.

Hiring commercial cleaning services gives start-up owners the freedom to relax and focus on building their business. At TrueClean, we are small business owners like you, so we know the hard work and dedication it takes to start a company. Let us take one ofyour many tasks off your plate by handling your cleaning services. Your employees will love working in a clean and tidy environment and your clients will be impressed by your professionalism from the minute they walk in the door.

Keep Your Business Clean

TrueClean Commercial Cleaning Services

No matter what sort of company you manage, TrueClean can help you keep it spotless. Our attention to detail is extraordinary and we will ensure that every part of your business is sparkling clean.

We offer flexible packages for commercial cleaning services. Whether you want a one-time clean-up before a big client visits, to deep clean a few times a year, or weekly services, TrueClean can help you. There’s clean, and then there’s TrueClean. Give us a call today and let us show you the difference.

Contact us to get a free estimate for our cleaning services.

Top 5 Tips and Tricks for House Cleaning

You want your home to look its best when friends and family come to visit, but keeping on top of house cleaning can be difficult. With a busy lifestyle, you may struggle to find the time. Even if you do manage to clean regularly, you may not be giving your home the deep clean that it needs. You might be using the wrong cleaning supplies and actually making things worse.

If you are looking to improve the way you clean your home, these 5 tips and tricks may help:

1. Kitchen Sink

It’s no secret that your kitchen sink is one of the dirtiest places in your home. Microbiology experts have found that there is a massive amount of e. Coli and other potentially harmful bacteria in most sinks.

The best tip for keeping this area clean is to sanitize regularly. Fill your sink with warm water, then add a small amount of bleach. Letting this sit for 5-10 minutes kills harmful bacteria. Two house cleaning tricks for getting your sink to look better are to use wax paper to polish handles and vinegar to remove lime.

2. Stovetops

If you cook regularly, you probably have a stain or two on your stovetop. You also likely have areas with burnt-in grime. While you might ignore this during regular house cleaning, it can be a problem if you have company coming. It can also become a problem during move out cleaning. 

To remove char from your stovetop, try using baking soda to scrub the problem spots. This will help remove the char more easily. The next step is to clean the metal pieces of your stove. First, fill your sink with hot water and dish soap. Next, place the metal parts into your sink. Now here’s the trick, add a dryer sheet to the water and let the metal parts soak for an hour. This will help remove the char. Finally, wipe clean and dry.

3. Your Bed

You spend a third of your life in bed, so you want it to be as clean as possible. Unfortunately, it can be easy to get behind on this house cleaning task. You may not wash your sheets as often as you should and you may not even know how to clean your mattress. 

First off, you should have a regular schedule for sheet-washing. You can keep your mattress fresh by using baking soda. Cover the mattress with baking soda, allow it to sit, and then vacuum it off. This increases freshness without the need to buy expensive cleaning supplies.

4. Bathrooms

Bathrooms can be notoriously dirty, yet often we neglect to clean this area as thoroughly as we should. You probably clean the bathrooms in your home regularly, but how often do they get a deep clean?

One of the areas in the bathroom that you probably put off during house cleaning is the grout in your shower or tub. It can become more and more daunting to tackle the stubborn grime. One trick is to use a bleach pen to reach those small areas and get them sparkling clean.

5. Scheduling

This is not a house cleaning trick specific to one area of your home, but rather a general tip to improve your cleaning routine. If you set a schedule for when house cleaning needs to happen, you will be more likely to keep your home clean.

If you write down when each aspect of house cleaning needs to happen you will find it much easier to stay on top of things. Scheduling can make it simpler to find time to clean in your busy life.

Sometimes regular house cleaning simply isn’t enough. If you have a demanding job on top of family responsibilities, you don’t want to spend the precious little time you have to yourself cleaning your home. If you can relate to this, TrueClean is here to help. We offer comprehensive house cleaning services and our professional house cleaning staff will make sure every area of your home is sparkling clean. Call us today at 520.771.9705 for a free estimate.

Top 3 Ideas for Desert Landscaping

The desert can sometimes have a poor reputation when it comes to landscape design. Many people assume that it will be hard to create a beautiful yard that incorporates a desert theme. While this type of design requires more ingenuity and creativity than traditional green grass lawns, the truth is that desert landscaping can be absolutely gorgeous when done right.

If you are looking to create an enviable landscape design in the Arizona desert, here are three ideas to help you out:

1. Xeriscaping

You will see the term “xeriscaping” quite a bit if you are researching tips for desert landscaping. This is a subtype of landscaping that attempts to reduce the amount of water you need to use to maintain your yard. It makes sense that in a desert with a shortage of water, you want to reduce water usage as much as possible.

While xeriscaping means you won’t have a traditional grass lawn, the minimalist landscape design of xeriscaping can be very beautiful. Most of these designs include a base of pebbles with desert plants such as cacti as accents. These designs can also use smalls amounts of artificial grass for color.

2. Rock Features

One of the staples of desert landscaping is the use of rocks and pebbles to create gorgeous designs. Rocks don’t require water or heavy maintenance in the same way that grass lawns do, making them a great choice in the desert. Generally, all the maintenance you need is regular weeding. 

There are multiple options for lovely rock features. One popular option is incorporating a pathway of stepping stones. This makes your backyard feel peaceful and calm while making it easier to walk across. You can pair this with a dry riverbed, which is another commonly used desert landscaping feature.

3. Pops of Color

You can take your landscape design to the next level by utilizing strategic pops of color. The best bet is to stick to native desert plants to keep your water use low. Here are just a few beautiful, drought-resistant wildflowers you can use:

  • Desert Sage. This flower is a lovely purple/blue color. It is durable enough to survive in the arid soil of Arizona.
  • California Poppy. These bright orange flowers are easy to grow and very common throughout the desert.
  • Flaming Katy. This type of plant grows gorgeous bright red flowers when in bloom.
  • Desert Marigold. Another very common desert wildflower, these plants are easy to grow and have a vibrant yellow color.
  • Winecup. This is another purple flower and is known to be very drought resistant.

You can combine these flowers with cacti and rock to create a dynamic desert landscaping design.

Of course, design decisions aren’t the only challenge when it comes to desert landscaping. Weeding your rock features, maintaining plants, and installing your initial design are all made harder by the desert heat.

If you don’t want to go out in the Tucson summer to complete your own desert landscaping, TrueClean is here to help. We are experts in creating and maintaining gorgeous desert landscaping. Call us today at 520.771.9705 and see how we can help you.

Top 5 Steps to Take When You are Moving

Moving into a new home is an exciting moment, but it can also be incredibly stressful. Every part of the process can be time-consuming and exhausting, both physically and mentally. Organizing what tasks you need to complete is the first step to reducing your stress and making the process as simple as possible. With a moving checklist a mile long, it can be hard to prioritize what steps are the most important.

To help you out, here is a list of the top 5 most important steps to take when you are moving:

1) Start Packing Early

Your move will sneak up on you a lot sooner than you think, so the best thing you can do is start packing as soon as possible. You can start with some of the items you use less often, such as knick-knacks or decorations from non-central rooms. Make sure to pack them with bubble wrap so they are not damaged. By getting this done, you’ll have more time to pack your most-used items the day of.

2)  Organize Your Moving Boxes

Once you have your boxes packed up, you want you to make sure you keep them organized and easy to find. You don’t want to be scrambling to locate your essential items on your first day in your brand new home! One moving tip is to label all of your boxes based on which room the items came from. This will help you when you arrive to get everything in order. Keep in mind that if this gets overwhelming, TrueClean does offer packing service.

3) Clean Your House

Whether you are renting or buying, you want your new house to be spotless for a landlord’s inspection or for the new owners. With so many corners and small spaces, it is easy to miss a spot if you don’t double check. One tip is to include each room on your moving checklist. Of course, if you want you home spotless, you can always contact TrueClean for residential cleaning services.

4) Load Up the Moving Truck

One of the physically demanding tasks of the moving process is loading up the moving truck. You likely have tons of boxes, as well as heavy furniture. Even if you held a garage sale and tried to get rid of as much as possible, you will still have quite a bit to transport. This is another task that TrueClean can handle for you, as we will provide a full-service move, including loading up your truck.

5) Stay Calm on the Big Day

With so much to do, you will probably be stressed out when the big day arrives. It’s important to stay calm and to trust that your preparation has been successful. Try to think of how happy you will be in your new home, and it will be easy to see how all your hard work will pay off. Enlist helpers to keep you stress-free and on-task.

Moving Help with TrueClean

Of course, not everyone has time in their busy lives for all of these many steps. Luckily, TrueClean is here in Tucson, Arizona for all the local moving help you need. Our customer service is top-notch, and we guarantee you will be satisfied. We provide moving services and can help you with every step of this important process. From packing and unpacking to cleaning your new home for move-out, you will not have to worry about a single thing when you hire TrueClean’s professional movers!

Contact us today for your moving needs.

Tips for Desert Landscaping

Creating a Beautiful Desert Landscape

When looking out at your backyard or patio area you may find yourself thinking that the landscaping is somewhat lacking. Just because you are in the desert does not mean you can’t create a beautiful landscape for your home. There are many easy and fun options for creating your ideal landscape. When coming up with desert landscaping ideas it is important to keep in mind the traits of our biome. Stick to plants that do not need as much water. Think about the soil, your planting containers, and the fact that grass is more than likely too expensive and hard to maintain.

Desert Plants

When it comes to the types of plants for your landscape, it is important to choose plants with similar water needs as the native plants of the desert. This will help you maintain your landscape easily since they all need close to the same amount of water. If you are mixing plants with different water needs, it is more challenging to keep up with your landscaping.

When you are looking at plants it is also important to be creative. Don’t be afraid of color! Mixing different colors will give your landscape more personality and helps it reflect yourself and your home. Many desert plants come in many different colors and shapes that will make your landscape pleasing to the eye while at the same time as being low maintenance.

Succulents and cacti come in many different shapes and sizes. It is fun to experiment with plants that are different heights to add variety and substance to your landscape design. Taller cactus come in prices for everyone’s budget. Cacti are low maintenance plants that will require little work to keep your landscape reflecting beautifully on your home at all times of the year.

Aside from succulents and cacti, finding the type of trees that work for your landscape is important and will add much to the overall look of your landscape. When considering what type of trees to plant you must consider the space. You want to choose a type of tree that will grow into the area that you want to fill.

If you have a pool or other water feature in your home it is important to choose a type of tree that does not lose too many of its leaves, pods, or flowers. This will minimize the amount of debris that will end up in your pool, saving you maintenance work. When it comes to choosing trees for your desert landscape, trees that lose their leaves in the winter is ideal. When the trees lose their leaves in the winter it will let in more sunlight on your landscape keeping it warmer and keeping your other plants happy.

We Can Help With Your Desert Landscaping

When it comes to maintaining your landscape it is important to have someone that cares as much as you do to help you out. TrueClean offers many different services to help you keep your landscape looking gorgeous all year round and keep your gardening stress free. Everyone can afford to have a beautiful landscape that reflects the beauty of their home.

Contact us at (520)-771-9705 or send us an email at to schedule a consultation with one of our desert landscaping professionals.

We look forward to helping you keep and maintain your landscaping.

Top 3 Dirtiest Places in Your Home That Need Professional Cleaning

You want to keep your home looking its best, but inevitably we all skip over certain areas. Since you may not be as experienced as the maids for a cleaning service, you might not have the tools or expertise to keep up with every tiny detail. These three areas in your home are dirtier than you realize and might be the most in need of TrueClean’s professional cleaning services. Our clients highly recommend our fantastic customer service. When you hire us, you will know that even these 3 dirtiest areas in your home will be spotless!

Kitchen Sink

Microbiology experts say there are more E. coli bacteria in your kitchen sink than in your toilet bowl. While you almost certainly use heavy-duty cleaners in your bathroom, you may be neglecting your kitchen. Using a weak cleaner won’t kill all the harmful bacteria. A cleaner specifically made for use in the kitchen will help, but it can be impossible to find time in your busy schedule to deep clean.

Luckily, TrueClean’s professional house cleaning services can help! If you are worried that you won’t be able to get all of the germs out of your kitchen sink, cleaning services are a fantastic option. Our maids and cleaners are experienced and efficient. You will not have to wonder whether your kitchen sink is teeming with harmful bacteria.


A large portion of your living space may be carpeted. It is estimated that a carpet can hold eight times its weight in dust. That’s a lot of dirt that you don’t think about! And if you have a pet in the house, the amount of allergens is staggering. A cat can track litter through your carpet or roll around and spread invisible dander and fur, and dogs also shed and bring in dirt. Even a vacuum cleaner won’t completely remove these allergens.

You don’t always notice this in your day-to-day life. However, if friends and family visit you can be certain they will, especially if they are allergic to your pet! If you don’t want your mother-in-law sneezing through her visit, carpets are another great reason to hire professional cleaning services. When standard cleaning won’t quite do the trick, our cleaning services will ensure your carpet is allergen-free.


One of the best ways to make your home feel welcoming is to open up your blinds and let in the sunlight. However, this will have the opposite effect if your windows are dirty. An ammonia-based window cleaner works decently but can leave streaks on your windows that almost look worse than the dirt. And if you have second story windows, you won’t be able to reach the outside for a thorough window cleaning.

Yet again, our cleaning services can help with this problem. If you want your windows sparkling clean for a special occasion, a professional house cleaning service can provide a complete window washing, and will be able to reach the outside of upper story windows. There’s no better way to get your windows the cleanest they have ever been.

Do You Need Professional Cleaning?

Hire Trueclean for Cleaning Services

While professional home cleaning services are not an everyday need, sometimes you want to know for sure that your house is as clean as it can possibly be. This is especially true for the areas of our homes we may not clean quite as well as we should, such as these 3 dirtiest areas. With a professional cleaner, these spaces and the rest of your home will be fresh and clean.

Call us today at 520.771.9705 and see how TrueClean cleaning services can help you.

Top 3 Things to Consider When Hiring a Cleaning Company

How are people living?

All across the world, people are living in homes that are dirty or working in offices that are unorganized and messy. This is because many people either don’t like to clean or don’t have the time. Many residential and commercial properties are using a cleaning company to do the job for them. These professionals can handle tasks such as appliance cleaning, floor cleaning, window washing, cleaning dishes, washing-drying-and putting away clothes, changing sheets, making beds, and more.

Here are some things to look for when hiring a cleaning company:


When hiring a cleaning company, you need to make sure you trust them. It takes time to trust people you don’t know but when you have people cleaning the place you live in you have little choice but to allow strangers into your home. You will be able to know if you can trust the cleaners based on the first cleaning experience. If you have a cleaning company that you don’t know and they take something of yours, that is where the trust is broken. However, if you trust the people who are cleaning for you, you will be able to not worry about things being taken. By building a trusting relationship, you can ensure that all your belongings will remain safe while getting to know the cleaners on a more personable level.

Natural Products:

Hiring a cleaning service that uses all-natural products is an important feature to research when looking for your cleaning team. Not only would you be supporting the environment by hiring a company that uses natural ingredients, but you are also helping to preserve the safety of your home. You might be wondering how natural materials can help the environment. Well, when you use chemicals to clean certain woods, it can stain it and change the colors. Also, some granite countertops can end up changing in unfortunate ways as well. In addition, chemicals can be harmful towards your health, or the health of your pets. By using natural products, you can help the environment, your health, the cleaners’ health, and your home.

Satisfaction guaranteed:

Knowing that your cleaning company guarantees cleaning satisfaction allows you to be more confident in the job you will receive. If you are upset with the job the cleaning service company has provided, then you can tell them and the cleaner will fix it. This gives the cleaning company an incentive to make the home as clean as possible. However, if you have a company where satisfaction is not guaranteed, the cleaners won’t try hard to make your house spotless. Instead, the cleaners will try and take the easy way out: clean fast, miss a lot of things, and not meet your expectations.

Your Local Tucson CLeaning Company

Trust, using natural products, and having guaranteed satisfaction are some of the few things that TrueClean can offer you. At TrueClean, we are here to make your offices, homes, and other spaces clean to your liking. Your floors will be spotless and you will be able to see your reflection in your windows. Come to TrueClean, where we can transform your messy places into clean ones, time and time again.

Contact our cleaning company today to learn how you can get a free cleaning.

Tucson Commercial and Residential Cleaning Services

Commercial Cleaning Services

What is considered commercial cleaning?

Commercial cleaning services involve cleaning offices, buildings, or retail stores. It can also be identified by anything that will come up in business:

  • commercial waste clean up,
  • hazardous cleanup, or
  • heavy cleaning.

Commercial cleaning will vary from industry to industry, yet the general guidelines typically remain the same.

It is important to keep the company’s property clean for their own brand image as well as for their clients. Establishing good client relationships will turn into brand loyalty, and a business can achieve this by keeping their office or business space looking its best. However, this cleaning service does not just stop in your office. You can get this type of cleaning done in your house, especially if you have an office in your home.

You know the phrase, a cluttered desk leads to a cluttered mind. The more organized and clean your office or retail space is, the more productive you and your employees will be. Office spaces often get messy, with paperwork and spills. By hiring a team of experts like TrueClean Commercial Cleaning, we can ensure that you will be satisfied with our cleaning service and your company will be more productive than ever.

A man cleaning the floor in a commercial building

What is a fair price for commercial cleaning services?

The average price range for commercial estates falls between $40–$45 per worker per hour. Of course, the price will vary depending on how big your commercial space is. Many businesses consistently have their cleaning company come in 2-4 times per month. The price will vary depending on how big your office space is, how many windows you have, how many floors, and how deep you want your cleaning service to be. There is no limit for TrueClean. We will clean your commercial space, no matter the size. We can give you the best deal in town before we begin our work.

Residential Cleaning Service

What does residential cleaning service mean?

Residential cleaning services specialize in things around your home like the living areas, bedrooms, kitchen, flooring, and bathroom cleaning. This can be done in an office or in your own home. Residential cleaning services can leave your house looking spotless while commercial cleaning typically focuses on the decluttering of junk. Depending on what your kind of home or business looks like, you may choose either residential or commercial cleaning for your property. TrueClean specializes in both, so whichever route you end up going, we guarantee satisfaction.

What do home cleaning services include?

This includes basically anything that you would need to be done in your home. Wiping down of the cabinets, the cleaning of the floors, dusting, anything needed to be done in the bedrooms or bathrooms, and anything else the home owners can think of. Here at TrueClean, we do everything you are looking for. When you hire us, your home will feel and look significantly better. Having a dirty house can affect other aspects of your life. Take the first step by contacting us and you will never want to leave your home

A woman completing house cleaning services in Tucson

Hire TrueClean Cleaning Services

Residential and Commercial are two different types of cleaning services that TrueClean has to offer. Depending on the kind of mess that occurs in your area, we offer plenty of options for you to freshen up your living or working space. If you contact us today, we can collaborate to see which cleaning service is most suitable for you. Our expertise will leave you wanting us to clean for you in the future.

Call us at 520.771.9705 for more information about our cleaning services or to set up an appointment.

Natural House Cleaning Supplies Found in Your Home

It’s not always easy to keep a clean home, and the modern selection of house cleaning supplies and solutions is wider than ever. Standing in the cleaning products aisle at the supermarket can be kind of an overwhelming experience as a result! Which cleaners are the most effective? And perhaps even most importantly, which cleaners do the job without having harsh chemicals that can be potentially dangerous? You don’t need to take time out of your busy life to carefully research the best things to buy. Why not make use of common household materials that you likely have already? It may surprise you to learn what sort of things you can use to make effective and natural cleaners.

Here are three useful materials to keep in mind:


Vinegar is a common household cooking ingredient, useful for everything from marinades to salad dressings. Beyond cooking, it also well-suited for all sorts of different cleaning applications! As a relatively weak and safe acid, its chemical properties are similar to commercial cleaners. Vinegar, by comparison, is rather cheap to obtain, even in large quantities. There are quite a few useful applications for vinegar as a household cleaner. Greasy stovetops, or other pieces of cookware that have accumulated grease, can be handled quite well with vinegar. Applying it to the greasy surface and then allowing it to sit for a while will make it much easier to remove, simply use soapy water to leave the surface nice and clear. A 1:1 mixture of water to vinegar can also be handy to clean certain kitchen appliances, such as your coffee maker or food processor. Keep in mind however that vinegar, although useful, is not a miracle product. Acidic substances like vinegar do not necessarily react well to all surfaces and materials. For example, avoid using vinegar on ceramics, or granite countertops. If you aren’t quite sure, be sure to look it up first.

Baking Soda

Baking Soda (not baking powder), makes for another handy household substance that is quite useful. One usage for baking soda is as a natural abrasive that can enhance your scrubbing power without being overly rough on surfaces. Give baking soda on a damp sponge a shot when scrubbing down your bathroom, for example, using it on your tiles or shower curtains. After a good rinse, you’ll be impressed with the results. Baking soda is also useful as a deodorizing substance. An open container of baking soda placed in a musty fridge will help to absorb the unpleasant odors and leave the interior smelling much cleaner after a bit of time. One thing to note is that Baking Soda and Vinegar together is not actually particularly handy as a cleaning duo. As a basic substance, adding baking soda to vinegar for the most part simply ends up neutralizing it, leaving you with water and carbon dioxide gas. Not nearly as useful as the substances you started with.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide is a chemical substance that is commonly found in first aid kits. It commonly serves as an antiseptic, though be warned, Hydrogen Peroxide is no longer recommended to be applied to cuts and scrapes as it can actually prolong healing time. That said, it’s still highly useful for quite a bit of different cleaning applications! Apply Hydrogen Peroxide to garments with stubborn or soon to be stubborn stains, like blood or wine. After it stops fizzing, dab it away with a cloth and repeat until the stain is gone. Another useful application is for disinfecting your kitchen cutting boards, or other kitchen surfaces that have been exposed to raw meats. This can help prevent the buildup of bacteria in places you might not have cleaned as thoroughly as you thought.

Don’t Have the Time to Clean?

TrueClean House Cleaning

Even with these handy time and money-saving tips for keeping your home clean, you may still find yourself too busy thanks to the difficulties of life. Or perhaps you’re looking to give your home a real, thorough deep cleaning, perhaps because you’re hoping to host a party, and are looking to have the touch of an expert? If either is the case, give us here at True Clean a call. Our experts are sure to leave your home feeling like new.

You can also be assured that the house cleaning supplies we use are safe and natural, leaving you with truly nothing to worry about.